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Botox Servic Img 2

Kybella is a brand name for synthetic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring compound in the body that breaks down fat. Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for reducing submental fullness, also known as a double chin.


Explore our KYBELLA FAQs for comprehensive insights into the treatment, procedures, and expected outcomes. We address common questions to ensure you’re well-informed and confident in your journey to achieving your aesthetic goals with The Fix Clinic.

Who can receive Kybella at The Fix Clinic?

Adults who have submental fat, or a “double chin,” that is resistant to common weight loss techniques due to genetics, aging, and several other conditions can utilize Kybella to reduce the appearance of fullness under the chin.

Kybella injections at The Fix Clinic are placed by extensively trained, highly skilled Board Certified Nurse Practitioners only.

The injections of Kybella are done into the submental fat with a very small needle. As the medicine is placed, it is common to feel warmth and even a tingling sensation in that area.

The deoxycholic acid destroys the fat cell walls, causing the cells to break open and release their contents. This process is called apoptosis, or natural cell death. The dead fat cells are then gradually absorbed and eliminated through the lymphatic system and circulatory systems over several weeks, eventually leaving the body. The deoxycholic acid is also metabolized and broken down, and then excreted as waste. During this process, it is normal to have some pain, swelling, numbness, redness, warmth, skin hardening, itchiness, tingling, and skin tightness with Kybella. It will take several days to weeks for these to subside, if they occur. Some people find that icing the area is very helpful. While Kybella is working to melt the fat in the submental area, it is important that you drink plenty of water as the lymphatic system is instrumental in excreting the waste during this process of fat destruction.

The number of sessions needed for Kybella is different for everyone. Most people need 2 or 3 treatments of Kybella, but up to 6 treatments are possible to attain the desired results. Once the fat is destroyed, it will not return to that area. Treatments are spread out by at least 4 to 6 weeks.

You may go online to schedule a consultation here or call the office directly, (703) 576-8315.

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